Spring/Deep Clean

Online Booking

Price Estimation

Service price estimation. *Subject to Inspection.


Moving out house? Pro Clean Melbourne is available here to provide you the best Spring / Deep Clean services with 100% bond back guarantee.

We try our best to keep prices locked in, but we may ask for an adjustment if scope is different or property is extra dirty. EG pet hair etc.

1. Property Details



Use this feature to add additional service & explain in the note below. (Call us for any information)
Add travel fee if the address is more than 50Kms away from CBD.
Add this if job has to be done with in next 24hrs.

2. Date & Time

Select the right date & time for cleaning job.

These are estimated times and may sometimes change, please reach out if you have any questions.

If you’re booking on Sunday, please give us a call 1300 966 838
Note: Kindly select your preferred time for the visit. Our team will provide you final arrival time if the preferred time slot is not available.
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Is this a Weekend Cleaning?

Note: If you’re selecting date of weekend, make sure to select this option ‘Yes’

Will you be home?

Property Type

Power Availability

3. Your Details

Please enter your details.


4. Payment

Booking Details


Total Amount for Billing






Pay via credit card (Stripe Payment)
Type: [field id="serviceType"]
[field id="currentDate"]
[field id="businessName"]
ABN: [field id="ABN"]
[field id="firstName"] [field id="lastName"]
Tel: [field id="phoneNumber"]
[field id="emailAddress"]
[field id="street"]
[field id="suburb"] [field id="state"] [field id="postcode"]
[field id="storey"]
[field id="bedroom"]
[field id="bathrom"]
[field id="additionalBalcony"]
[field id="additionalBalcony_NoRoom"]
[field id="outsideWindowClean"]
[field id="additionalWindow_NoRoom"]
[field id="garageCleanSweep"]
[field id="fridge"]
[field id="carpetSteamClean"]
[field id="carpetSteamClean_NoRoom"]
[field id="wallWash"]
[field id="wallWash_NoRoom"]
[field id="blinds"]
[field id="blinds_NoRoom"]
[field id="misc"]
[field id="misc_no"]
[field id="doubleFridge"]
[field id="livingArea"]
[field id="pressureWashing"]
[field id="travelFee"]
[field id="urgentJob"]
[field id="weekendCleaning"]
[field id="totalBottom"]
[field id="GST"]
[field id="grandTotal"]
[field id="additionalNote"]
[field id="date"], [field id="time"]
[field id="willYouBeHome"]


Bedrooms / Entrance / Hallway / Lounge / Dining Rooms

Wardrobes / Cupboards




Pantry / Cupboards

Form Submitted

Thanks for making an enquiry. We have received your request & will get back to you shortly.

Living & Other Room




Artboard 16

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