Recurring Cleaning
Online Booking
Price exc GST & *Subject to Inspection
Enter your property details and review inclusions below.
We try our best to keep prices locked in, but we may ask for an adjustment if scope is different or property is extra dirty. EG pet hair etc.
Regular cleaning offered at discounted rates!
1. Property Details
- How many Storey?*
- How many Bedroom?*
- How many Bathroom?*
2. Date & Time
Select the right date & time for cleaning job. These are estimated times and may sometimes change, please reach out if you have any questions.
If you’re booking on Sunday, please give us a call 1300 966 838
Note: Kindly select your preferred time for the visit. Our team will provide you final arrival time if the preferred time slot is not available.
Is this a Weekend Cleaning?
Note: If you’re selecting date of weekend, make sure to select this option ‘Yes’
Will you be home?
3. Your Details
Please enter your details.
4. Payment
Booking Details
Total Amount for Billing
Pay via credit card (Stripe Payment)

Payment Success
Payment Failed
Payment Pending
Form Submitted Successfully.
An error occured.
Type: [field id="serviceType"]
[field id="currentDate"]
[field id="businessName"]
ABN: [field id="ABN"]
[field id="firstName"] [field id="lastName"]
Tel: [field id="phoneNumber"]
[field id="emailAddress"]
[field id="street"]
[field id="suburb"] [field id="state"] [field id="postcode"]
[field id="storey"]
[field id="bedroom"]
[field id="bathrom"]
[field id="AfterParty"]
[field id="balcony"]
[field id="kitchenCupboard"]
[field id="oven"]
[field id="fridge"]
[field id="pantry"]
[field id="carpetTeamClean"]
[field id="carpetTeamClean_NoRoom"]
[field id="internalWindows"]
[field id="internalWindows_NoRoom"]
[field id="misc"]
[field id="misc_no"]
[field id="doubleFridge"]
[field id="livingArea"]
[field id="pressureWashing"]
[field id="travelFee"]
[field id="urgentJob"]
[field id="weekendCleaning"]
[field id="totalBottom"]
[field id="GST"]
[field id="grandTotal"]
[field id="additionalNote"]
[field id="date"], [field id="time"]
[field id="willYouBeHome"]